Bibliografía resilencia sic.. Antología: resilencia /

Bibliografía resilencia sic.. Antología: resilencia / Organización Mundial de la Salud - San José: OPS - 54 p

Rutter, Michael. La Resilencia: consideraciones concepturales.________. Resilience: some coceptual considerations.SuarezRutter, Michael. La Resilencia: consideraciones concepturales.________. Resilience: some coceptual considerations.Suarez Ojeda, Elbio Néstor. Resilence o capaciada de sobreponerse a la adversidad.Garmezy, Norman. Stress, competence and development: continuities in te study of schizophrenic adults, children vulmerabele to psychopathology and the search for stress-resistant children..Vaillant, George E. The Vicissitudes of the strong and the willful are not adequately desecribed by a language that hopes to document in pains of the ill

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